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Boulder, CO  (303) 442-6647

 logo for Bay Area Hair Restoration

Boulder, CO  (303) 442-6647


Why Choose NeoGraft Transplantation Method

Many people with hair loss choose hair transplant procedures over other hair restoration solutions because they want permanent, reliable results. At Dermatology Specialists, we take pride in helping our clients regrow their own hair using safe and minimally painful transplantation methods. Two of the main techniques for transplanting hair are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). They both achieve the main goal of helping patients regrow their own hair but use different methods to extract the hair follicles from the donor area.

The FUE Method

Follicular unit extraction involves taking individual follicles from the back of the head without removing strips of tissue. To make the donor site less conspicuous after the hair is removed, the follicles are taken in a random fashion. Benefits of this hair transplantation method include:

  • No stitches
  • No linear scarring
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Fast recovery period

NeoGraft® is an FDA-cleared hair transplantation system that uses the follicular unit extraction technique to transplant hair with minimal pain and scarring. The main drawback of the procedure is that it takes longer than some transplantation methods because each hair graft is individually removed and inserted into the receded site. However, the procedure’s many benefits quickly make up for the longer treatment time.

The FUT Method

FUT (also known as the Strip Method) is performed by extracting a small strip of tissue from the donor site at the back of the head. Individual hair follicles are then removed from the tissue and transplanted to the areas affected by recession. Discomfort is slightly higher with the FUT method compared to the FUE method, and the patient will develop a linear scar where the donor tissue was removed.

Contact Us

To learn more about the minimally invasive NeoGraft® hair transplant procedure, contact our office today. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or set up a consultation for you.

(303) 442-6647

(303) 442-6647

Dermatology Specialists
2880 Folsom St., #200
Boulder, CO 80304

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(303) 442-6647

©2019 Website by Affordable Image.  Sitemap

Dermatology Specialists

2880 Folsom St., #200

Boulder, CO 80304

(303) 442-6647

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Dermatology Specialists

2880 Folsom St., #200

Boulder, CO 80304